consecutively 连续不断的 ? consecutively ? consecutively ? consecutively ? ? ?
descriptive 描写的 叙述的 说明的 ? descriptive ? descriptive ? descriptive ? ? ?
denote 标志 象征 表示 ? denote ? denote ? denote ? ? ?
semantic 语义的 ? semantic ? semantic ? semantic ? ? ?
intellectual activity 治理活动 ? intellectual activity ? intellectual activity ? intellectual activity ? ? ?
manual 手工的 体力的 ? manual ? manual ? manual ? ? ?
tone 腔调 语气 口吻 ? tone ? tone ? tone ? ? ?
register (表达情感)流露出 表达出 ? register ? register ? register ? ? ?
gist 主治 要点 ? gist ? gist ? gist ? ? ?
deposition 罢免 废除 ?【法律】证言、证词 ? deposition ? deposition ? deposition ? ? ?
testimony (法庭上的)证词、证言 ? testimony ? testimony ? testimony ? ? ?
talk at length 详细阐述 (at length 最终) ? talk at length ? talk at length ? talk at length ? ? ?
await 等待 ? await ? await ? await ? ? ?
afford 提供 ? afford ? afford ? afford ? ? ?
sign language 手语 ? sign language ? sign language ? sign language ? ? ?
definite 清晰的 明确的 ? definite ? definite ? definite ? ? ?
consequently 因此 结果 ? consequently ? consequently ? consequently ? ? ?
institutional 机构的 惯例的 ? institutional ? institutional ? institutional ? ? ?
et cetera 等等 其他 ? et cetera ? et cetera ? et cetera ? ? ?
tongue 语言/舌头 ? tongue ? tongue ? tongue ? ? ?
bi-lingual 双语的 ? bi-lingual ? bi-lingual ? bi-lingual ? ? ?
mutually 相互地 ? mutually ? mutually ? mutually ? ? ?
exclusive 独有的 排斥的 (mutually exclusive 互斥的) ? exclusive ? exclusive ? exclusive ? ? ?
formulate 确切表达 规划 ? formulate ? formulate ? formulate ? ? ?
sound proof 隔音的 ? sound proof ? sound proof ? sound proof ? ? ?
predictable pattern 实验模型 实验样品 ? predictable pattern ? predictable pattern ? predictable pattern ? ? ?
facilitate 推动 帮助 促进(不以人做主语) ? facilitate ? facilitate ? facilitate ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
natural enemy 天敌 ? natural enemy ? natural enemy ? natural enemy ? ? ?
typically 一般的 典型的 ? typically ? typically ? typically ? ? ?
agent 代理人 经纪人 ? agent ? agent ? agent ? ? ?
referred to 被提及 ? referred to ? referred to ? referred to ? ? ?
free-living 无拘无束 自由生活的 ? free-living ? free-living ? free-living ? ? ?
prey 猎物 捕猎 ? prey ? prey ? prey ? ? ?
insect host 昆虫宿主 ? insect host ? insect host ? insect host ? ? ?
immature 不成熟的 未成熟的 ? immature ? immature ? immature ? ? ?
debilitate 使衰弱?使虚弱 ? debilitate ? debilitate ? debilitate ? ? ?
specific 明确的、具体的 ? specific ? specific ? specific ? ? ?
*relatively 相当地、相对地 ? *relatively ? *relatively ? *relatively ? ? ?
relative 亲戚 ? relative ? relative ? relative ? ? ?
classical 经典的 传统的 ? classical ? classical ? classical ? ? ?
classified 分类的 ? classified ? classified ? classified ? ? ?
augment 增加、加强 ? augment ? augment ? augment ? ? ?
readily 轻而易举地 迅速地 ? readily ? readily ? readily ? ? ?
available 可用的 闲暇的 ? available ? available ? available ? ? ?
available to 对...有效 ? available to ? available to ? available to ? ? ?
aphid 蚜虫 ? aphid ? aphid ? aphid ? ? ?
larvae 幼虫 幼体 (larva的复数) ? larvae ? larvae ? larvae ? ? ?
parasitize 寄生于、侵害 ? parasitize ? parasitize ? parasitize ? ? ?
parasite 寄生虫(也可表示动植物) ? parasite ? parasite ? parasite ? ? ?
colonies 殖民地 (colony的复数) ? colonies ? colonies ? colonies ? ? ?
humidity 潮气、湿度 ? humidity ? humidity ? humidity ? ? ?
susceptible 易得病的?易受影响的 ? susceptible ? susceptible ? susceptible ? ? ?
susceptible to 对...敏感的 ? susceptible to ? susceptible to ? susceptible to ? ? ?
occur 发生?存在 ? occur ? occur ? occur ? ? ?
introduction 采用?介绍?引荐 ? introduction ? introduction ? introduction ? ? ?
locale 事情发生的地点、现场 ? locale ? locale ? locale ? ? ?
instance 例子?实例 ? instance ? instance ? instance ? ? ?
associate with 与...联系在一起?联合 ? associate with ? associate with ? associate with ? ? ?
complex of 复杂的 ? complex of ? complex of ? complex of ? ? ?
pest 害虫 insect pest ? pest ? pest ? pest ? ? ?
evident 清楚的?显然的 ? evident ? evident ? evident ? ? ?
comprise 包括?包含?组成 ? comprise ? comprise ? comprise ? ? ?
obtain 得到?获得 ? obtain ? obtain ? obtain ? ? ?
establishment 建立?设立?企业 ? establishment ? establishment ? establishment ? ? ?
rigorous 严密的?严格的 ? rigorous ? rigorous ? rigorous ? ? ?
quarantine (对动物或人)隔离检疫 ? quarantine ? quarantine ? quarantine ? ? ?
follow-up 后续的 ? follow-up ? follow-up ? follow-up ? ? ?
conduct 实施?进行 ? conduct ? conduct ? conduct ? ? ?
determine v .决定?判定 ? determine v ? determine v ? determine v ? ? ?
at the site of 在...地方 ? at the site of ? at the site of ? at the site of ? ? ?
cotton 棉花 ? cotton ? cotton ? cotton ? ? ?
cushion 垫子?缓冲 ? cushion ? cushion ? cushion ? ? ?
predatory 食肉的?捕食性的 ? predatory ? predatory ? predatory ? ? ?
forage 饲料?草料?觅食 ? forage ? forage ? forage ? ? ?
effort 努力?艰难的尝试 ? effort ? effort ? effort ? ? ?
substantially 实质上 大体上?充分的 ? substantially ? substantially ? substantially ? ? ?
inexpensive 便宜的 ? inexpensive ? inexpensive ? inexpensive ? ? ?
initial 开始的?最初的 ? initial ? initial ? initial ? ? ?
importation 进口?引进 ? importation ? importation ? importation ? ? ?
other than 除了?不同于 ? other than ? other than ? other than ? ? ?
incurred 招致?遭受 ? incurred ? incurred ? incurred ? ? ?
implement 执行?贯彻?履行 ? implement ? implement ? implement ? ? ?
endemic 地方性的 ? endemic ? endemic ? endemic ? ? ?
breed(bred )繁殖 ? breed(bred ? breed(bred ? breed(bred ? ? ?
highly qualified 高质量的 ? highly qualified ? highly qualified ? highly qualified ? ? ?
cane 藤条?茎 ? cane ? cane ? cane ? ? ?
obtain 得到?获得?*存在 ? obtain ? obtain ? obtain ? ? ?
captivity 囚禁 ? captivity ? captivity ? captivity ? ? ?
beetle 甲虫 ? beetle ? beetle ? beetle ? ? ?
compete 竞争?对抗?争夺 ? compete ? compete ? compete ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
famine 饥荒?短缺 ? famine ? famine ? famine ? ? ?
ornamental 装饰性的?做点缀的 ? ornamental ? ornamental ? ornamental ? ? ?
landscaping 景观美化 ? landscaping ? landscaping ? landscaping ? ? ?
bulb 电灯泡?植物的球茎 ? bulb ? bulb ? bulb ? ? ?
distributed 分布式的?分散式的 ? distributed ? distributed ? distributed ? ? ?
distribute 分发?分布 ? distribute ? distribute ? distribute ? ? ?
personal physician 私人医生 ? personal physician ? personal physician ? personal physician ? ? ?
staple 支柱产品?主要产品 ? staple ? staple ? staple ? ? ?
missionary 传教士 ? missionary ? missionary ? missionary ? ? ?
antiquity 高龄?古文物 ? antiquity ? antiquity ? antiquity ? ? ?
starchy 含淀粉的?浆糊状的?刻板的 ? starchy ? starchy ? starchy ? ? ?
composition 成分?构成?作曲 ? composition ? composition ? composition ? ? ?
requiring 需要?要求 ? requiring ? requiring ? requiring ? ? ?
outselling 卖的比...多 ? outselling ? outselling ? outselling ? ? ?
citrus 柑橘属果树 ? citrus ? citrus ? citrus ? ? ?
collectively 集体地?共同地 ? collectively ? collectively ? collectively ? ? ?
restore 恢复 ? restore ? restore ? restore ? ? ?
offshoot 分支?分流?衍生物 ? offshoot ? offshoot ? offshoot ? ? ?
plantation 种植园 ? plantation ? plantation ? plantation ? ? ?
replace 更换?代替 ? replace ? replace ? replace ? ? ?
shady 阴凉的?背阴的?(树)成荫的 ? shady ? shady ? shady ? ? ?
variegated 杂色的?斑驳的 ? variegated ? variegated ? variegated ? ? ?
identical 相同的 ? identical ? identical ? identical ? ? ?
genetically 基因地?遗传地 ? genetically ? genetically ? genetically ? ? ?
offset 补偿?抵消 ? offset ? offset ? offset ? ? ?
sprout (植物)发芽?抽条 ? sprout ? sprout ? sprout ? ? ?